主要从事极端环境(辐射、高温、高压等)下的材料性能研究,涉及高放射性核废物的固化基材、核反应堆结构材料等,针对相关材料的制备工艺与结构性质、极端环境下的结构与性质演变过程及机理开展研究,评估其服役性能及应用价值。近年来,主持或参与国家自然科学基金项目2项,省级基金1项。相关成果在Acta Mater.、J. Am. Ceram. Soc.等杂志发表学术论文10余篇。指导本科生获批老员工创新课题国家级1项,省级3项;获全国“核+X”创意大赛三等奖1项,湖南省一、二、三等奖各1项。
[1]湖南省教育厅重点项目, 21A0280 , A3TaO7氟铝镁钠石的辐照行为及局部结构效应研究, 2022/01至2024/12, 8万元,在研,主持.
[2]国家自然科学基金委面上项目, 11775102,不同反位参数及晶粒尺寸尖晶石的离子束辐照效应及机理研究, 2018/01至2021/12, 80万元,已结题,参与.
[3]国家自然科学基金委面上项目,11475076, (CexA1-x)2Ti2O7 (A=Y, Gd, Lu; x=0-1)的制备及离子束辐照效应研究,2015/01至2018/12,96万,已结题,参与.
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[2]Y. Xia, D.Y. Yang, C. Chen, Y Hao, R.C. Ewing, Y.H. Li. Structural evolution of Lu2-xCexTi2O7 pyrochlores to 400 keV Ne irradiation. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 00 (2020), 1-11.
[3]Y. Xia, C.G.Liu, D.Y.Yang, J. Wen, H.Liu, P. C . Mu, Y.H. Li. Systhesis and radiation tolerance of Lu2-xCexTi2O7 pyrochlores. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 480 (2016), 182-188.
[4] D.Y. Yang,Y. Xia, J. Wen, J.J. Liang, P.C. Mu, Z.G. Wang, Y.H. Li, Y.Q Wang. Role of ion species in radiation effects of Lu2Ti2O7 pyrochlore. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 693 (2017), 565-572.
[5] J. Wen, C. Sun, P.P. Dholabhai,Y. Xia, M. Tang, D. Chen, D.Y. Yang, Y.H. Li, B.P. Uberuaga, Y.Q. Wang. Temperature dependence of the radiation tolerance of nanocrystalline pyrochlores A2Ti2O7 (A = Gd, Ho and Lu). Acta Materialia, 110 (2016), 175-184.
[6] S. Yan, D.Y. Yang, S.Q. Chen, J. Wen, W.H. He, S.Y. Ji,Y. Xia, Y.L. Wang, L.F. Zhou, Y.H.Li, Structure and Thermal Expansion Behavior of Ca4La6xNdx (SiO4)4(PO4)2O2, Dalton Trans., 49 (2020), 2578-2588.
[7]刘 焕,刘晨光,杨冬燕,夏月,李玉红,RE2Ti2O7(RE=Gd, Y, Ho, Er)的结构、机械性能及热学性质的第一性原理研究,原子核物理评论,36 (2019) 248-255.
[8] H Liu, D.Y. Yang, W Zhang, C.G. Liu,Y. Xia, Y.H. Li. Response of the physical properties of d-Y6WO12 and Y6UO12 to pressure Computational Materials Science, 134 (2017) 201–205.
[9]D.Y.Yang, C.G.Liu, K.Q.Zhang,Y.Xia, L.J.Chen., H.Liu, Y.H.Li. 2.7 MeV Ar 11+ ion irradiation induced structural evolution in Lu2(Ti2-xLux)O7-x/2 pyrochlores. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 466 (2015) 496-501
[10] C.G. Liu, D.Y. Yang, L.J. Chen, H. Liu, Y. Xia, J. Wen, L.Y. Dong, K.Q. Zhang, A.Z. Xiang, Y.H. Li The solubility of cerium in La2Ti2O7 by DFT + U calculations. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 648 (2015): 609-614
[11] S. Xue, H. C. Du,Y. Xiaand B. T. Hu. Effects of nuclear motion on the ionization-induced terahertz radiation of H2+ in intense few-cycle laser pulses. Physical Review A , 92 (2015), 013420.
[12] S. Xue, H. C. Du,Y. Xiaand B. T. Hu. Generation of isolated attosecond pulses in bowtie-shaped nanostructure with spatially inhomogeneous fields. Chiniese Physics B, 24 (2015), 054210.